Patient Information
The Consultation
The normal allocated time for a consultation is 10-15 minutes. If you feel that you need more time, please let the receptionist know so that this can be arranged. If you have any cold/flu symptoms, infectious disease or are home isolating, please do not come in. Please call us for a Cabin or Phone consult to discuss further.
Health Screening
Once you have registered with us, your records will be assessed by one of the nurses to ensure you are on the correct recall programmes for cervical screening, mammograms, immunisations, diabetes checks, weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, prostate cancer screening and bowel cancer screening.The normal allocated time for a consultation is 10-15 minutes. If you feel that you need more time, please let the receptionist know so that this can be arranged.
Test Results
If you’ve had a blood test or other medical test, the doctor or nurse will only contact you if there is a concern. Otherwise you will be advised by text if your results are normal. Please phone the nurse if you would still like to discuss your results. Leave a couple of days for blood and urine results and a week for smears and the results of skin biopsies. If the nurse is busy please leave a message and they will get back to you as soon as possible.
Repeat Prescriptions
The doctors like to see you for review every 3 months for close monitoring. Repeat prescriptions may be available for alternate prescriptions after prior discussion with your doctor to ensure your condition is stable. The costs for repeat prescriptions: Collected Script is $20.00 a faxed script is $22.00, same day script $25.00. Please allow at least 24 hours for a repeat prescription.
Change of Details
If you are moving house, or have changed phone number please let us know so we can update our records.
Getting the Best out of your GP
Book adequate time. Warn the receptionist if you have several issues to discuss, need a detailed medical, cervical smear or minor procedure.
Book one consultation slot for each family member.
Get your doctor all the information he or she needs. Arrange for your notes to be transferred from your previous health care provider.
Let the receptionist know if you have moved address or changed your phone number.
Remind the doctor of your allergies. We will most likely have these noted already but it is always best to remind us so that we can update our records for you.
Don’t be afraid to ask for a second opinion. Your doctor can suggest someone you can approach.
Let reception know who you are and that you have arrived.
Bring an interpreter or chaperone if you would like one.
Call us if you are running late. If you are in a hurry, contact us to see if there is a delay at the surgery.
Tell us if you need an urgent appointment. Let the receptionist know if you think it is an emergency such as chest pain or breathlessness.
Information Collected
To give you the best health care we need to know personal information about you. We will keep this information safe and protect your privacy.
There are two types of information we collect: administrative information and clinical information.
Administrative information includes your name, street address, date of birth, gender and ethnicity. This information allows us to obtain government subsidies (part payments) for your care. If you do not wish to provide this information, we are likely to receive no government subsidy for you, and you will need to pay full price to see the doctor. Staff & contractors involved in administration at our practice and at our PHO have access to this administrative information.
Administrative information about you, together with the dates of your visits to us, is sent through the District Health Board (DHB) to the Ministry of Health. Because we are receiving government subsidies, the DHB and Ministry of Health can audit us (check us out).
Clinical information includes any symptoms you discuss with the doctor or nurse, laboratory tests taken & their results, diagnoses made, and any medicines or prescriptions given to you. We will only provide this clinical information to other health care workers involved in your care (e.g., a specialist, hospital).
Clinical information about you is not sent to the District Health Board or the Ministry of Health, in any way that can be linked to, or identified with you. Clinical information is only provided to the DHB or Ministry of Health, after it has been grouped with other patients' information, and after the names of all patients have been taken out. For example, we may provide information about treatment provided to people with diabetes as a group - but no individuals would be named or able to be identified. You can look at the personal information we hold about you, and ask for it to be changed if you think it is incorrect.
Privacy and confidentiality of personal information will be maintained in compliance with the Privacy Act 1993 and the Health Information Privacy Code 1994.